Monday, July 28, 2014

Thoughts on my size

1. What do people think when they look at me?
2. Why can't I be small or at least normal size?
3.  What is up with clothes?
4.  What is it about my size that's an afterthought to everyone?
5. NO, an XL is NOT going to fit me...even if they "run big".
6.  If you can't provide something in my size then I don't want it anyway.
7.  Even if I lost 20, 30, 50 pounds, I'm still going to be a 2X.  Nothing about me is small.
8.  Sometimes I just want to give up.
9.  It's all working against me, I swear.
10.  Why do plus size clothes have to be ugly?
11.  If I'm too big to work out, how the F will I lose weight?
12.  This isn't fair.
13.  Sometimes I just never want to eat again.
14.  It doesn't make me feel better to squeeze into something to tight just to wear it.
15.  I know what I look like, yet I am always ticked when I see a picture of myself.
16.  Being this size is very discouraging, knowing that it's not going to get much better than this.
17.  It's embarrassing.
18.  Pity
19. I'm not the only one.
20.  Is there a voice for us?

Friday, January 4, 2013

Things that I think are stupid.

1.  Preschool graduations.  Caps and gowns for 4 year old are a little silly.
2.  Republican politics.  I know, I know.  Just being so bent on limiting rights bothers me!!  I like a lot of republican people.  It's just the politics I don't get.
3.  Parking all over the streets.  Mainly for people with 2 car garages and a nice wide driveway.
4.  Pushiness.  You may get what you want but at what price?
5.  Vaguebooking.  You either want people to know what is going on in your life or you don't.  Pick.
6.  Bento inspired food.
7.  Constant pictures of the temp in your car.
8.  Chew tobacco.
9. Decorating your vents or garage door opener.  I don't need to make my light switch look special.
10.  How many people really care what is on your nails?
11. Why are workout clothes so small?  What am I supposed to wear while I try to get thin?
12.  Yes, I can totally tell you favor one of your children.
13. Toddler temper tantrums......from adults.
14. Getting HOA approval for a storm door.
15.  Those big huge giant flowery things on tiny baby heads.
16. No one is impressed with your coach shoes while you walk around costco.
17. Long hair on little boys.  It's just me.

onto something positive....

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Things that I don't care about

1. The Duggars
2. The Kardashians
3. Anything Lohan
4. Name brand clothes
5. The dirty upstairs bathroom.
6. Oprah's new network.
7. Pottery Barn
8. Artificial sweeteners.
9. The tea party.
10. Painting my toenails
11. The NBA lockout.
12. Snooki
13. the iphone.
14. Tampons.
15. Lady Gaga.
16. Crime shows.
17. non-chocolate desserts.
18. NFL
20. Pictures you take of yourself in a mirror.
21. Big giant flowers on baby's heads.
22. Johnny Depp
23. Judge shows.
24. Obama's birth certificate.
25. Reusable grocery bags.
26. Where the receipt goes.
27. Netflix's new rules.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ways I'm a bad mom

1. I used disposable diapers.
2. I bottle fed (1 of them anyway)
3. I bought jarred baby food.
4. I let them watch tv, even when they were younger.
5. I let them play video games.
6. They don't shower every day.
7. Their soap and shampoo has cancer causing chemicals in it.
8. They sleep in their own beds.
9. I let them eat junk food.
10. They buy school lunch sometimes.
11. They aren't involved in every activity available.
12. They don't get an allowance.
13. They don't have regular chores.
14. We don't always eat together.
15. We don't pray at mealtimes.
16. We don't pray at bedtimes.
17. I hate homework
18. I yell at them from time to time.
19. They probably won't get a car when they turn 16.
20. I don't homeschool.
21. I occasionally need a break from them.
22. I want them to go play by themselves.
23. I can't wait for bedtime!
24. I make them ride the bus to school.
25. I swear in front them once in awhile.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

What goes in my grocery cart.

1. Bananas
2. cereal
3. diet coke
4. cheese
5. ground turkey
6. frozen pizza
7. orange juice
8. chocolate milk
9. sandwich thins.
10. pasta sauce
11. waffles
12. deli meat
13. granola bars
14. romaine lettuce.
15. salad vinegar
16. goldfish crackers
17. lean cuisines
18. chips
19. cucumber
20. buns
21. hot dogs
22.. manwich
23. vitamin water

Friday, May 6, 2011

Ladiez in the 'Hood

Or life here in the SR.

A bunch of random thoughts about living here that I haven't put together in complete sentences.

1. Social media has made it more difficult. It used to be "do you know so and so" and now it's "are you friends with her on facebook?"
2. I cannot go to Harris Teeter after working out. I will see at least 5 people I know.
3. Power trips.
4. Reveling in causing people pain.
5. Justifying cruel behavior.
6. I'm talking about adult women, moms.
7. Mow your lawn.
8. I'm afraid to go jogging, I don't want to be seen!
9. All the schools are good, I'm a little sick of people labeling one better than the other, they are all awesome.
10. If I'm the only person in the room who doesn't have a kid at Little River, let's talk about something besides Little River.
11. Yes, I'm still in the SR. I pay SR HOA and I can still use the pools.
12. Dare to be normal.
13. It's all fun and games until......
14. Nothing is ever done....even if there's been "amends" it's not done.
15. It's hard to prevent bullying in schools if the parents are the examples.
16. You are not fooling anyone.
17. Life is full of fake friends, that can be handled. Be a real friend, appreciate your real friends.
18. People are not disposable.
19. Some people are holier than thou, some people never feel good enough.
20. The world is run on volunteers.
21. Loving my neighbors!!
22. Always celebrate the good times!
23. Your mortgage payment doesn't matter to everyone, nor does the value of your house.
24. The value of your house is determined by what's going on inside with the people who live there, not by the paint color, furniture or fancy decor.
25. Get your broom and flying monkeys and be on your way.
26. You can't force people into things, you can just stay open minded.
27. Why am I not getting the magazine?
28. You may have a posse but that doesn't make you royalty.
29. I'm giving you the stink eye!
30. You are being judged.
31. Your parenting is being judged.
32. Still trying to figure out where the "swinger" street is.
33. Heard a rumor about what white rocks around your mailbox means.
34. People hold grudges.
35. This neighborhood is very incestuous.
36. Suspicion abounds. Trust is lacking.
37. It's amazing to be in the neighborhood all this time and see big mature trees.
38. We may be diverse, but some people will never get it.
39. Us in the SR, we are jealous of Ashburn and Brambleton for getting all the good stores and restaurants.
40. Sometimes there is a local vs. transplant feel.
41. I consider myself an original.
42. Remember when there was field where Bloom is?
43. A middle school of just SR kids.......this will be interesting.
44. I would like to start a movement where we can line dry our clothes outside.
45. Let's be practical people.
46. All the cool people go to Kelly's boot camp.
47. This is what I'm doing instead of making my house look pristine.
48. We are more interesting than those NY housewives!
49. The people who bring sunshine are far brighter than those who bring clouds.
50. Forgiveness and grace.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Status Shuffle---

Status shuffle on facebook, which I love, has lots of fun little tidbits that someone could use for their status. Many times I save one but never use it. The reasons? Because I don't want to get questioned about it, nor do I want to cause trouble. So here they are...the ones I haven't used. This gives you a little insight into my thoughts. Be very afraid!

In no particular order:

1. Linda Is sick and tired of treating people with respect. They don't give it, they aren't gonna get any back.
2. Linda How come I am always the one to lend a shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen and a pair of arms to hug someone when they're sad, but no one ever does it for me?
3. Linda hates it when people tell you they are there for you, but when you need them most the only things you get from them are excuses
4. Linda Sometimes we expect more from others because we would be willing to do that much for them.
5. Linda I understand, but I'm tired of understanding. All I do is understand. For once i would like someone to be on the other end trying to understand me...
6. Linda maybe friendships aren't meant to be saved. Maybe we're only meant to spend a certain part of our lives with certain people then move on.
7. Linda wonders why is it that people do whatever the HELL they want, but when you do it there is a major problem??? DOUBLE STANDARDS SUCK!
8. Linda " Are you free tomorrow? No I'm still going to be the same expensive price"
9. Linda I don't particularly enjoy your presence. Go away before I find a weapon. I am currently in the process of looking so you don't have much time left.
10. Linda Today's definition of a Douche bag: People who are so arrogant that they cannot take responsibility for their own actions and use others as scapegoats
11. Linda For You To Insult Me, I Must First Value Your Opinion
12. Linda Oh look! Did you see it fly right passed you? Yup, there went my interest.
13. Linda Le
t me get my broom and flying monkeys and I'll be on my way!
14. Linda Ego is like your branded clothes.. Its is important that you have it , but not necessary to show it always...
15. Linda is wishing I were you, so I could be friends with me!
16. Linda wonders how to block people in real life.
17. Linda A friend can you hurt you with words or actions, but it's the worst when a friend hurts you by ignoring you!
18. Linda It's an Eeyore sorta day...Thanks for noticing me.
19. Linda Friends are like panties. Some stay up your butt, some get a little sideways, some are holy, some are cheap, and some actually cover your butt...
20. Linda thinks that some people are a skid-mark on the pants of life
21. Linda Act with integrity in everything you do, no matter how small always do the right thing, cause your children are always watching and learning from your example.
22. Linda Double-Stuffed Oreo's should just be called Oreo's, and regular Oreo's should be called Diet Oreo's.
23. Linda Women are like angels; we fly with wings & when our wings break, don't worry, we can fly on a broom because we're versatile like that ;)
24. Linda dear vegetarians: my food poops on your food!
25. Linda It gets really old pretending to be nice all the time
26. Linda was doing so well at being Super Mom today but my daughter was embarrassed and asked me to remove my cape.
27. Linda Women are angels; and when someone breaks our wings, our spirit, or our hearts we simply continue to fly on a broom stick. We are flexible like that
28. Linda NEWS FLASH: I'm a Mom. You don't scare me.
29. Linda just in case you come for a visit, my house is NOT under construction. kids just live here. :)
30. Linda I have mood poisoning, must have been something I hate...
31. Linda Your Reputation is how others see you but your Integrity is who you are when they are not looking". David M Marquard
32. Linda "Sometimes there are no words; no clever quotes to neatly sum up what happened that day. Sometimes the day just ends." ~ S.S.I. Hotchner
33. Linda The thing about glitter is, if you get on you, be prepared to have it on you forever..cause glitter doesn't go away. Glitter is the herpes of craft supplies..
34. Linda Who sprinkled drama queen on your cereal this morning???
35. Linda thinks she's had enough fun with status shuffle and Facebook! Back to the daily duties of cooking, laundry, and saying 'no don't do that!'
36. Linda is more pissed off than a giraffe with a stiff neck and an itchy ass.
37. Linda Is the one with the boobs... she makes up the rules...
38. Linda realized the only problem with doing nothing is that you never know when you are done...
39. Linda Some days you're the dog, other days you're the hydrant.
40. Linda Which child will take out the other one first??? Let survival of the fittest begin...
41. Linda That was not a fart. It was barking spiders
42. Linda when you are feeling down because everyone is against you just remember that... nationwide is on ur side
43. Linda Putting kids to bed is a little like playing Whack-A-Mole
44. Linda Today is the type of day where a big gulp straw goes directly in a box of that's a rough day...
45. Linda my sweat is sweating!
46. Linda there is not enough soap in the world to erase what she saw today
47. Linda keeps reminding myself that I am not FAT, I am just EASY TO SEE! *just saying*
48. Linda If it's not one thing, it's ten
49.Linda thinks some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts, while others come into our lives and make us wanna leave footprints on their face.
50. Linda Having class is having the ability to walk away from a bad situation with a smile on your face and a forgiveness in your heart
51.Linda Wonders what my family would do without me. Wait.. I already know. They would be naked, dirty, and hungry. None of them can find the washer, the remote or frig.
52. Linda I may not be beautiful, I may not be skinny, & I sure as hell ain't rich...Crap! I forgot my point & now I am depressed!
53. Linda Says "ATTENTION ALL DRAMA QUEENS, ATTENTION SEEKERS, WHINERS" Please do us all a favor and get a life and shut the hell up. Because we don't care.
54. Linda I have long enjoyed the friendship and companionship of Republicans because I am by instinct a teacher, and I would like to teach them something.-Woodrow Wilson
55. Linda Shes strong because she knows what its like to be weak. shekeeps a guard up because she knows what its like to cry herself to sleep.
56. Linda says you must speak to be heard, but sometimes you have to be silent to be appreciated
57. Linda thinks it's amazing how the cuts that friends make can hurt so much more than the ones that enemies make.
58. Linda Sometimes you just have to sit back and laugh at some peoples immaturity, it just makes you realize how much growing up they still have to do
59.Linda WOW! here's a thought...not everything is about YOU!! get over yourself!
60. Linda wishes God would grant me the serenity to accept the fact that some people just can't handle it when it's not about THEM!
61. Linda You know what? You're just mad because someone told the truth and gave you a dose of reality!!
62. Linda loves to give false and misleading information to gossipers... it messes them up and makes them look ridiculously stupid! hahaha
63. Linda You know how Facebook says "What's on your Mind?" For some people it should say "OMG, What now?"
64. Linda What pisses you off more ? The fact that I said something insulting about you or the fact that you know its true ?
65. Linda Do you ever wish they had breathalysers to disable a cell phone when you've had too much to drink?
66. Linda Is so confused. My heart is telling me to show you compassion and pity. But my mind tells me to shove your head in a toilet and flush.
67. Linda "Be patient with yourself. Failing at times does not mean you are a failure. It just means you don't do everything right all the time." JM
68. Linda I like how I'm supposed to take other people's crap graciously but I'm not allowed to serve my own...
69. Linda sometimes, you just need to let your eyes pee
70. Linda Is tired of being yelled at, lied to, forgotten about, and left behind.
71. Linda guess I'm just gonna keep doing what I'm doing till somebody figures out I don't have a clue what I'm doing:)
72. Linda Welcome! I'm the doormat. Please feel free to take advantage of me, wipe your crap on me and move along like nothing happened. Why not? Everyone else does!
73. Linda My Friends mean the world to me...I just wish that the feeling would be mutual
74. Linda Today, I put you in a box. My prayer box. I wrote down how I feel about you, and the situation and I folded the paper, stuck it in my God box and let go it.