Tuesday, June 2, 2009

100 Things About Me

1. I was born in 1971. I am a seventies child and an eighties teen. I am a mother in the new millenium.
2. I am married to my sweet husband Joe and have 3 gorgeous children.
3. My firstborn was almost a Y2K baby. Josie is my only girl and is as sweet and clever as they come.
4. My oldest son and second born, Alexander was 10lb. 6oz. at birth. He is stubborn and hysterical. His middle name is Andrew after my brother. I wanted to give him that name because I thought I might not have any more kids. Little did I know.
5. My youngest, Evan, is 18 months younger than Alex. He was a total surprise and proof that you can get pregnant while nursing. He was tiny at birth since I had high blood pressure all throughout my pregnancy. We made it to term though and now his feet are bigger than his brother's! He is the sweetest boy ever.
6. I was married at the young age of 23. We've grown up together, Joe and I.
7. I love to workout. I'm not buff, I'm overweight but I love to exercise.
8. I sweat far more than the average human.
9. I love to eat. It negates the working out part though. I eat way too much.
10. I am addicted to diet coke. I know I shouldn't drink it but I love it.
11. I love being a stay at home mom. It's my true calling. And it's not because I'm lazy or unambitious it's because this is where I belong.
12. I want to travel the world. I'm the crazy mom who wants to throw her kids in an rv and see the country. I want to see the world with my husband.
13. I want to see what it's like to be petite and thin. Even if I can't stay that way I just want to know what it feels like.
14. I feel thin and energetic and think I look pretty good until I see a picture and then I walk around realizing that everyone else isn't seeing how I feel. Sorry world.
15. I'm learning to stop wanting what I think I'm supposed to have and start loving what I do have. I have a loooooong way to go.
16. I love my minivan. So uncool. I want a hybrid minivan.
17. I am a liberal democrat.
18. I have a size 11 foot.
19. We lived in DC for two years while Joe went to graduate school. My mom was right. I look back on those years of being poor and living in that wierd basement apartment very fondly.
20. My hair is thinning and graying. Ugh.
21. I am addicted to facebook.
22. I love to read. I think everyone should read, lots.
23. I had an ovarian cyst surgically removed when I was 21.
24. I love snuggling with my kids. Evan is the only one who really does it anymore.
25. I am planning on getting breast reduction this fall. (yes it's tmi, just deal) Having it at 16 would have saved me a lot of crap but it's going to finally happen now.
26. I need a tummy tuck too.
27. I want to live overseas. I was really hoping Joe's job would take us there.
28. I stay up way too late every night. I keep saying I'll go to bed earlier but I never do.
29. I think I have a better relationship with my family from a distance. I don't know how well we'd be doing it we lived closer.
30. We own a hamster. That's a fluke. I have a rule about owning things that poop. No dogs or cats here. I enjoy friends pets, just not going to happen here.
31. I was born in Midland, MI.
32. I grew up in Wyoming, MI.
33. I cannot wait to be on Lake Michigan. People on the east coast don't understand summers on the Lake. They look at me wierd when I tell them we've never been to the Outer Banks. No one here will make the trip to see what I'm talking about.
34. That's okay. I'll save this secret for my Michigan peeps and I. It's like a very special exclusive club.
35. Virginia is home now though.
36. I consider my grandmother a kindred spirit. I think somewhere deep down we share parts of the same soul. That means parts of me are in heaven already. I miss her.
37. We don't have any living plants in our house. That's an accident. I think I'll do something about that.
38. I think Phineus and Ferb is the most hysterical cartoon ever made.
39. I prefer small group bible studies to church.
40. Parenting these kids is harder and more wonderful than I ever thought it would be.
41. Military men and women are heroes. Their spouses are MY heroes.
42. I've spent my whole life being the friend of the friend. Slightly out of the loop.
43. I'm in need of an honest assessment of my social skills. I think I'm really nice but for some reason I don't make a lot of friends.
44. I bought paint for the kids bathroom over a year ago and haven't painted yet.
45. I prefer the chiropractor to a spa massage.
46. I think music is key to a child's education.
47. Living in South Riding is great but it can also be really hard.
48. I hate confrontation.
49. I have had dreams about telling people off who have really wronged me.
50. 100 things is a lot!!!!
51. I cringe when I see the worst parts of me in my children.
52. I would adopt if we decided to have a 4th child.
53. I love to watch tv. My list of shows is long.
54. I also love movies.
55. I especially love being on the computer and watching tv at the same time.
56. I bite my nails.
57. I bite my kids nails.
58. I must not be a good parent. My kids watch tv, play video games, eat junk, eat mcdonald's, nothing is organic and I didn't make babyfood or cloth diaper.
59. I pick my battles. They read a lot and go to bed on time.
60. I could make a list of 100 things about Joe's deployment that surprised, changed, and disappointed me.
61. Joe was not one of those things that surprised or disappointed me. He was everything I needed as it turns out.
62. I eat my kids snacks.
63. I could write a list of 100 great books to read.
64. There are things I could write on this list but I won't based on potential readership.
65. I loved our Caribbean cruise and can't wait to do it again.
66. My parents didn't spank but my mom threw a shoe at me once.
67. The smell of flowers reminds me of funerals.
68. I don't think letting my kids eat dessert first is the end of the world.
69. Decorating is not my strong suit.
70. Neither is saving money.
71. Or cleaning.
72. I wouldn't want to change anything now, but sometimes I wish I could go back in time and do a couple things differently, just to see.
73. I know I said I'm nice, but I've done some not so nice things.
74. I am a terrible gift giver. I don't always know what to give, give stupid gifts and never give them on time.
75. My first pregnancy ended in miscarriage.
76. This one time at band camp........
77. There is one thing I would change about my wedding for sure. It's not my husband btw.
78. I could spend a dollar 100 different ways.
79. I don't pray enough. I'm working on that.
80. My feelings get hurt very very easily.
81. If I seem aloof, I'm not. I'm really really shy.
82. I have great moments of despair and defeat.
83. I'm really trying to balance that with being grateful for my many many blessings.
84. I often wonder if people would be friendlier towards me if I were a size 6.
85. My daughter is looking over my shoulder.
86. I love technology.
87. I know I disappointed everyone when I didn't become a dr.
88. I don't have any cellulite.
89. The list of foods I don't like is very short.
90. I don't like aging. I still feel young.
91. My lower back is always in some kind of pain. I think I've just gotten used to it.
92. Go STATE!!!!!
93. Nobody knows everything about me.
94. I judge the judgemental.
95. I support gay marriage.
96. I am pro-choice.
97. I am a Christian.
98. People amaze me in good and bad ways everyday.
99. I trust my husband completely. I can't imagine living without that trust and faith. I can't imagine where I would be without him.
100. I'm going to leave this one to you....what is something you know about me that I didn't say?

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