Monday, June 8, 2009

34 favorite movie quotes

I give up on the's too hard!!

1. The nazi's had flair, they made the jews wear it.--Office Space

2. Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're going to get.--Forrest Gump

3. Suck my unit--Tropic Thunder

4. Show me the money! --Jerry Maguire

5. O'doyle Rules--Billy Madison

6. I wish I knew how to quit you--Brokeback Mountain

7. Get busy livin' or get busy dyin'--Shawshank Redemption

8. You're gonna need a bigger boat--Jaws

9. There's no crying in baseball--A League of Their Own

10. Nobody puts Baby in a Corner--Dirty Dancing

11. I'm King of the World! --Titanic

12. Run, Forrest, Run!--Forrest Gump

13. It's not a tumor--Kindergarten Cop

14. You make me want to be a better man--As Good as it Gets.

15. You're the greatest thing I never knew I always wanted.--Fools Rush In

16. I'm already pregnant, what other kind of shenanigans could I get into? --Juno

17. This ain't no etch a sketch...this is one doodle that can't be undid homeskillet--Juno

18. Your love is like a beating drum ba bum ba bum ba bum--Waitress

19. Where's Olive?--Little Miss Sunshine

20. I feel like I just found out my favorite love song was made about a sandwich--27 Dresses

21. I'm Ron Burgundy?

22. That's why her hair is so big, because it's full of secrets.--Mean Girls

23. It is those we live with and love and should know who elude us.--A River Runs Through It

24. Eventually all things merge into one, and a river runs through it.

25. All I see are pork swords--Juno

26. If I'm not back in five minutes...just wait longer!--Ace Ventura

27. So let me get this straight, you don't want to cheat on your girlfriend with your wife? --She's the One.

28. Dude! I got an arm!--Barnyard

29. My body needs more than dew and, uh, universe juice.--Kung Fu Panda

30. A hickey from Kenickie is like a Hallmark card. -- Grease

31. Why are you naked? The Proposal

32. Don't BS a B'er!--Role Models

33. Wax on, Wax off--The Karate Kid

34. Take me to bed or lose me forever!--Top Gun

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