Friday, May 6, 2011

Ladiez in the 'Hood

Or life here in the SR.

A bunch of random thoughts about living here that I haven't put together in complete sentences.

1. Social media has made it more difficult. It used to be "do you know so and so" and now it's "are you friends with her on facebook?"
2. I cannot go to Harris Teeter after working out. I will see at least 5 people I know.
3. Power trips.
4. Reveling in causing people pain.
5. Justifying cruel behavior.
6. I'm talking about adult women, moms.
7. Mow your lawn.
8. I'm afraid to go jogging, I don't want to be seen!
9. All the schools are good, I'm a little sick of people labeling one better than the other, they are all awesome.
10. If I'm the only person in the room who doesn't have a kid at Little River, let's talk about something besides Little River.
11. Yes, I'm still in the SR. I pay SR HOA and I can still use the pools.
12. Dare to be normal.
13. It's all fun and games until......
14. Nothing is ever done....even if there's been "amends" it's not done.
15. It's hard to prevent bullying in schools if the parents are the examples.
16. You are not fooling anyone.
17. Life is full of fake friends, that can be handled. Be a real friend, appreciate your real friends.
18. People are not disposable.
19. Some people are holier than thou, some people never feel good enough.
20. The world is run on volunteers.
21. Loving my neighbors!!
22. Always celebrate the good times!
23. Your mortgage payment doesn't matter to everyone, nor does the value of your house.
24. The value of your house is determined by what's going on inside with the people who live there, not by the paint color, furniture or fancy decor.
25. Get your broom and flying monkeys and be on your way.
26. You can't force people into things, you can just stay open minded.
27. Why am I not getting the magazine?
28. You may have a posse but that doesn't make you royalty.
29. I'm giving you the stink eye!
30. You are being judged.
31. Your parenting is being judged.
32. Still trying to figure out where the "swinger" street is.
33. Heard a rumor about what white rocks around your mailbox means.
34. People hold grudges.
35. This neighborhood is very incestuous.
36. Suspicion abounds. Trust is lacking.
37. It's amazing to be in the neighborhood all this time and see big mature trees.
38. We may be diverse, but some people will never get it.
39. Us in the SR, we are jealous of Ashburn and Brambleton for getting all the good stores and restaurants.
40. Sometimes there is a local vs. transplant feel.
41. I consider myself an original.
42. Remember when there was field where Bloom is?
43. A middle school of just SR kids.......this will be interesting.
44. I would like to start a movement where we can line dry our clothes outside.
45. Let's be practical people.
46. All the cool people go to Kelly's boot camp.
47. This is what I'm doing instead of making my house look pristine.
48. We are more interesting than those NY housewives!
49. The people who bring sunshine are far brighter than those who bring clouds.
50. Forgiveness and grace.

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