Thursday, August 20, 2009

Things about motherhood

1. The first two weeks suck. Period.

2. People fail to warn you about the first two weeks.

3. You're not going to sleep much. Don't stress about it.

4. Don't pick up a baby everytime they make a sound.

5. Babies are portable, go places.

6. Toddlers are independent and will run away.

7. Their heads won't explode from watching TV.

8. Or playing video games.

9. Read to them. A lot.

10. The toothbrushing and flossing doesn't have to be perfect.

11. Stop comparing yourself to other parents.

12. Ignore the braggart parents.

13. Follow your instinct.

14. They don't need a new backpack every year.

15. Hand me downs are just fine.

16. Don't stress about the mess, live.

17. Teach them to get their own breakfast.

18. They don't have to have a bath every single day.

19. Your child is not perfect.

20. Neither are you.

21. Let them find their imaginations.

22. They are going to get dirty, accept it and move on.

23. Dirt is fun.

24. Make friends with the teacher and the principal.

25. They need to learn to swim.

26. The first day of school is awesome!

27. They don't understand sarcasm.

28. Teach them to not pick their noses.

29. Even if you teach the boys how to aim, your bathroom will smell.

30. Cleaning the bathroom enhances the pee smell, just saying.

31. Every does not have to be a circus.